Saturday, December 28, 2019

Interpersonal Communication Styles Examined in My Big Fat...

Throughout the semester, we have been introduced to many topics related to interpersonal communication. I have come to believe that these concepts have allowed me to better understand interactions that occur in our daily lives. My knowledge of these concepts was challenged when asked to relate these notions to a movie. During the time that I was watching the movie, My Big Fat Greek Wedding, I realized myself grasping onto what was going on and being able to relate certain scenes and situations to topics I had previously learned about. Interactions in My Big Fat Greek Wedding display concepts of conflict and politeness theory, which can be pointed out in a few specific scenes. During the movie, I found that these concepts that were taught†¦show more content†¦These guidelines can all help lessen a conflict. Conflict was displayed in two specific scenes of the movie. The first scene was when Toula?s parents are arguing about Toula going to school (Appendix A). Her father feels she should not go to school because girls don?t need to, and that she is fine doing what she is doing; working at the family restaurant. Her mother on the other hand, feels that Toula should go to school if that is what she wants. They go back and forth until Toula?s mom walks out. This argument is started because they both have different things they want. She ends the argument with a sarcastic comment, and it doesn?t get settled. Throughout their argument, neither of the two used any of the guidelines for conflict that we had learned about. Perhaps if guidelines were used the argument would not have ended on a bad note. Using such guidelines such as clarifying goals or using constructive criticism might have prevented the argument to begin with. Another scene that shows an example of conflict was when Toula?s parents find out she is seeing a man who happens to not be Greek. Ian Miller (her boyfriend) and Toula?s father are arguing in the dining room, while Toula and her mother sit in the kitchen listening. The conflict begins because both Toula?s father and her boyfriend want different things. Toula?s father does not want Toula to have a boyfriend, while Ian wants to continue to see Toula. Like the first conflict, two peopleShow MoreRelatedStephen P. Robbins Timothy A. Judge (2011) Organizational Behaviour 15th Edition New Jersey: Prentice Hall393164 Words   |  1573 PagesPersonality and Values 131 Perception and Individual Decision Making 165 Motivation Concepts 201 Motivation: From Concepts to Applications 239 3 The Group 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 Foundations of Group Behavior 271 Understanding Work Teams 307 Communication 335 Leadership 367 Power and Politics 411 Conflict and Negotiation 445 Foundations of Organization Structure 479 v vi BRIEF CONTENTS 4 The Organization System 16 Organizational Culture 511 17 Human Resource Policies and PracticesRead MoreManagement Course: Mba−10 General Management215330 Words   |  862 Pagesand most rigid. Networking and diffusion work better than bureaucracy does. An emphasis on creativity is essential. The people closest to what is happening are those who can lead and improve it the most effectively for a sustained economy. As communication has become increasingly less expensive, it has become more and more productive to provide access for all employees to the information that can help them make their own decisions as well as the authority to make those decisions. RECOGNIZING THERead MoreManaging Information Technology (7th Edition)239873 Words   |  960 PagesIII-2 A Make-or-Buy Decision at Baxter Manufacturing Company CASE STUDY III-3 ERP Purchase Decision at Benton Manufacturing Company, Inc. CASE STUDY III-4 The Kuali Financial System: An Open-Source Project CASE STUDY III-5 NIBCO’s â€Å"Big Bang†: An SAP Implementation CASE STUDY III-6 BAT Taiwan: Implementing SAP for a Strategic Transition CASE STUDY III-7 A Troubled Project at Modern Materials, Inc. CASE STUDY III-8 Purchasing and Implementing a Student Management SystemRead MoreStrategic Marketing Management337596 Words   |  1351 Pagespolicy Brand strategies The development of new products Pricing policies and strategies Approaches to price setting Methods of pricing 12.10 Deciding on the pricing objectives 12.12 Using price as a tactical weapon 12.13 Promotion and marketing communications 12.14 Distribution strategies and the distribution plan 12.15 Channel management 12.16 The ‘soft’ elements of the marketing mix CONTENTS ix 12.17 Integrating the elements of the marketing mix 12.18 Summary Stage Four: Which way is best

Thursday, December 19, 2019

The Connections Between Rest and Exercise - 500 Words

The Connections Between Rest and Exercise Rest and exercise is two thing main things you need to stay healthy. Rest helps mentally, emotionally, and physically. For instance, exercise leads to a better rest and rest leads to better exercise. Also, too much rest or too much exercise can hurt your health. For example; too much rest can result in being overweight and lack of fitness. Exercise can cause you to get an injury if you exceed how much your body can take. Since those effects are bad in results in you having to do both and not just one to prevent these effects. Here are ways rest is good physically. Some people work out to get muscles and have great muscular strength. Even though that takes a lot of exercise to get your muscle†¦show more content†¦If you study as much you can and still get the right amount of sleep you are going to be more alert and be able to focus on the test and remember what study better to result in a good grade. Emotionally is the next thing rest helps. Rest can easily effect someones mood. No sleep can result in a bad mood or depression. There are a few health disorders that go with the reason for the depression. One of those disorders is insomnia. Specifically insomnia is a disorder that causes a difficulty to fall asleep. Ruth M. Benca says, â€Å"Nevertheless, insomnia is more closely related to depression than to any other medical disorder, and the fact that insomnia most commonly precedes depression suggests a possible causal association between sleep disturbance and depressed mood.† (2005). Consequently, exercise comes into play to help. â€Å"Exercise offers a potentially attractive alternative or adjutant treatment for insomnia.† (Clinical Sports Med., 2005) So that goes back to exercise and rest going together hand and hand. In order to sleep being important, exercise is a big part of getting a good nights sleep. Exercise is said to be an important sleep aid. In a study the researchers found that the re were improvements, â€Å"[150 minutes of exercise] provided a 65% improvements in sleep quality.† (NationalShow MoreRelatedWatching Tv And Play Video Games1621 Words   |  7 Pageshave turned â€Å"computerized,† evidently is that our children are depending on these types of entertainment preferably than getting up and physically exercising to entertain themselves.By doing that it will make a positive effect on that child for the rest of his/her life. The cause we should be hesitant to allow our children to play video games or watch TV is that once a child does that, then he/she starts to enjoy it and wants to do it more and more. It turns to an event that they look forward toRead MoreSystolic Blood Pressure Essay1029 Words   |  5 Pagespressure did increase going from at rest to just after exercise (118 mmHg to 179.5 mmHg; Table 1.), however there was no significant difference between the two with a p-value of 0.063 (Table 2.). 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Wednesday, December 11, 2019

Discrimination and Social Care free essay sample

This unit investigates how equality, diversity and rights are central to the effective operation of health and social care services. The unit explores discriminatory practice and its potential effects on patients/service users; the promotion of anti discriminatory practice by, for example, legislation and codes of practice, and the application of this to the health or social care workplace. The knowledge and skills gained from this unit will underpin many of the other units in the qualification and it is essential in preparing you for your period of vocational experience. Summary of Learning Outcomes: To achieve this unit you must demonstrate that you: 1. Understand concepts of equality, diversity and rights in relation to health and social care 2. Understand discriminatory practice in health and social care 3. Understand how national initiatives promote anti-discriminatory practice in health and social care 4. Understand how anti-discriminatory practice is promoted in health and social care settings Unit 2: Equality, Diversity and Rights in Health and Social Care This assignment represents ALL the assessment criteria for the Unit TASK 1 (relevant criteria P1, P2 ) For this task, you need to produce a leaflet for a family from Poland who intend to live in Britain to explain the benefits of living in a culturally diverse society (P1). We will write a custom essay sample on Discrimination and Social Care or any similar topic specifically for you Do Not WasteYour Time HIRE WRITER Only 13.90 / page For P2. In your leaflet, you need to explain to the family from Poland the importance for them of staff in health and social care settings promoting equality, recognising diversity and respecting service users’ rights. You must use recognised terminology (language) in the leaflet. You may feel you need to explain the terminology to the family in the leaflet. Hand-in date: 07. 12. 09 Task 2 (relevant criteria P3) This task has been re-written in order to meet the evidence requirements for your Key Skills portfolio, as well as P3, Unit 2 P3 Explain the potential effects of discriminatory practice on those who use health and social care services For this Task, you first need to write an essay of at least 500 words entitled â€Å"Discriminatory Practice in Health and Social Care†. In your essay, you need to consider at least four of the bases of discrimination identified in the Content requirements below and explain why and how discrimination may occur. You then need to look specifically at how certain groups of individuals may be discriminated against within health and care services. In order to do this, you need to research and identify two different documents on this subject, each of at least five hundred words in length. You then need to summarise the information obtained from each document: there is no word length for the summaries. The summaries will be used to form part of your essay’s introduction, body or conclusion. Quotations or references used in your essay must be listed at the end of your work using the Harvard referencing system. This essay, the two pieces of research together with the two summaries, will constitute the 5 pieces of evidence required for your Key Skills portfolio (C2. 2 and C2. 3a). The essay and researched documents need to be at least 500 words in length. Secondly, to meet P3, you need to write a brief report which considers the effects of discrimination on those who use health and care services. You need to include the following effects: marginalisation, disempowerment, low self-esteem and self-identity, restricted opportunities and negative behaviours, such as aggression or criminality. You also need to consider how individuals’ rights may be overridden, for example, by the use of force or power or statutory means (laws). Hand-in date: 15 03. 10 Task 3 (relevant criteria P4, P5, M1, M2, D1) For this Task, you need to produce a handbook or other form of guide for use by staff in a care setting that describes how legislation, codes of practice, rules of conduct charters and organisation policies are used to promote anti-discriminatory practice (P4) For P5, you need to include in your handbook three brief case studies that explain to new members of staff the ways in which they can actively promote anti-discriminatory practice. This means thinking of some situations in health and social care settings where you might actively promote anti-discriminatory practice and explaining them in writing, e. g. explaining to an older person who has just come in to residential care how the home is organised and what kind of service they can expect. Your handbook should include a section that explains the influences of a recent or emerging national policy development on organisational policy with regard to anti-discriminatory practice. (M1) For M2, you need to include an explanation of the difficulties that may be encountered when implementing anti-discriminatory practice. At the end of your handbook (for D1), you need to include an evaluation of how a recent or emerging policy development influences organisational and personal practice in relation to anti-discriminatory practice. Hand-in date: 10. 05. 10 TASK 4 (relevant criteria P6, M3, D2) For this Task, you need to write a short report describing ways of reflecting on and challenging discriminatory issues in health and social care (P6) For the M3 criterion, you need to spend some time thinking about how your own personal beliefs and value systems may have influenced your practice. Then record your thoughts in a short report – remember that when analysing your beliefs and values, you will probably find both positive and negative influences to write about. For D2, write a short evaluation of what you can do, i. e. what practical strategies you can use, to reconcile (bring together)your own beliefs and values with anti-discriminatory practice in health and social care. Hand in date for whole assignment: 21. 06. 10

Wednesday, December 4, 2019

Brutal Attacks free essay sample

As I walked into the familiar classroom, the glares of the middle school girls directed me to the empty seat on the opposite side of the room. As they grouped around and whispered, the occasional scowls stabbed me in the back. As one of the messengers from the posse approached me, she explained that Haley, the ringleader, was going to beat me up after school. In disbelief, I laughed, wondering how the nonathletic girl planned to ever get close to me. Ignoring the gossip, I proceeded with my classwork but throughout the rest of the day, the consistent reports from others of the plan to â€Å"punch the ugliness† out of me started to sink in. In a panic, I ran to the bathroom and called my mom to come pick me up. Subsequently, the explanation of my desperate phone call led my mom to report the incident to the principal. Returning to school the next day to face Haley was more challenging than words can explain. We will write a custom essay sample on Brutal Attacks or any similar topic specifically for you Do Not WasteYour Time HIRE WRITER Only 13.90 / page When the principal called Haley and me into the office, it was her story against my story with no evidence to prove anything. She denied every accusation of the threat, and her brainwashed clique members also rejected my claims. The meeting ended with Haley hugging me in an effort to defend her reputation to the principal. Throughout middle school, the two-faced characteristic of Haley controlled and manipulated my friendships. The inconsistent and unreliable girls of the school resulted in my complete independence. Although I yearned for a best friend to hangout with, Haley’s malicious attacks kept others from ever wanting to befriend me. I was alone and therefore focused on schoolwork and studied the traits of a good friend. Although Haley’s impact on my life negatively affected me, the experience of mean girls developed my understanding of the powerful influence that words have on others. When I switched schools before my eighth grade year, I left the trouble of Haley and strived to be the most uplifting and encouraging friend to everyone. Her vicious words and actions gave me the experience to aspire to never cause anyone that pain. Haley’s influence on my life is an important reminder for the manner in which I aspire to treat others.