Friday, May 15, 2020

Disciplining Children Parenting Styles Essay - 1214 Words

Parenting can be described as the most rewarding aspect of a person’s life, or the worst. Parenting is not always about correcting a child’s behavior, it is about moral harmony. The way parents discipline their own children has a lot to do with the way their child matures throughout his or her own life. Ultimately, it is about a parent raising their children in the best way they see fit; creating a legacy. Some of the many factors that determine a child’s ultimate outcome include: the types of parenting styles used on children, parent involvement, and the many methods of discipline. The first, and most popular method of parenting, is the authoritative style. In this style the parents have high expectations when it comes to behavior;†¦show more content†¦This open-minded style of parenting yields a lack of self-discipline in many of its adolescent subjects. The last style of parenting is the uninvolved style. Dr. Anita Gurian of the NYU Child Development Study Center believes this style to be the â€Å"most harmful.† This is the least responsive method of parenting. The parents have little to no control and give meager amounts of affection and encouragement. Jeanette Walls, author of The Glass Castle: A Memoir, illustrates her life as a child through this book; she depicts her parents as being unresponsive and showing little to no effort in model satisfactory behavior. This behavior seen in The Glass Castle is parallel to the uninvolved style of parenting. How much a parent is involved in their child’s life can have a major impact on their future. Some children are very independent and require little involvement from parents. Some, however, need an added amount of commitment. Having an involved parent always assures that the children will have someone to discipline them, someone to encourage them, someone who will put their child’s needs first, and someone who will love them. Uninvolved parents do quite the cont rary. Typically, uninvolved parents do only what is essential for their children; they parent based on what they can get away with. It is common that parents who are uninvolved in their children’s lives are generally trying to deal with the lack of involvement they received from their own parents asShow MoreRelatedThe Parenting Styles That Has Changed Your Life With New Challenges962 Words   |  4 Pagesassistance you along this new amazing journey. When disciplining your child remember that the strongest influence on your parenting style is how your parents raised you (Brimhall, 2015). The three parenting styles that Barumrind discovered includes authoritative, authoritarian, and permissive. These patterns parents display when raising their child can positively or negatively impact your child’s development. 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