Wednesday, May 6, 2020

The President Of The United States Essay - 1657 Words

America lies in the wake of the impending presidential election, which has been shrouded in controversy from its infancy. FBI investigations, leaked emails, private recordings, rape allegations, and indubitable untruths have plague both front-runners. Despite the foul taste left in the mouth of many Americans by Donald Trump and Hilary Clinton, they have come out victorious in their campaign to represent their respective party as the nominee for president. While it was once widely believe that the American people democratically elect the president of the United States, through current influences such as the media, internet, and growing population an exorbitant amount of Americans believe that their vote no longer counts, thus posing the question who’s really in control of the electoral process? In the past, the call to question of the integrity of the electoral processes was strictly reserved for the most devout conspiracy theorist, but with the pullulating concerns over super delegates, average sound mind Americans are not sure the full truth is being told. Has America been fed at noble lie? A simple answer yes, a more complex answer America has been fed a misconception disguised as a lie. The origins of the noble lies can be traced back to Ancient Greece, around 380 BC, where it was first written about in Plato’s The Republic. Socrates, Plato’s teacher, believed that to have an harmonious society a untruth must be told in order to invoke sentiments of patriotism amongShow MoreRelatedThe President Of The United States1532 Words   |  7 PagesThe president is the most important job in the United States. Not the ruler of the United States ,but have some power over the country. The president of the United States is a person who symbolize the country and leads the country by making decisions of what is the best thing to do. The president needs to know about the past history such as the conflict of World War I and II and different events tha t led to violence in our own country. The president of the United States needs to know how the systemRead MoreThe President Of The United States1617 Words   |  7 PagesThe President of the United States is a well respect and immensely powerful position. Every 4 years, a new president is elected. Many highly respect individuals hold competition for this career, presenting their ideas and beliefs for the American people to support or refute. The United States current president, Barack Obama, is ending is 2nd term in office. This starts the debate and discussion of who will take his place as president. Currently, there is an enormous selection of individuals who peopleRead MoreThe President Of The United States777 Words   |  4 PagesThere are many flaws in the actions of the President of the United States using executive action to shape policies for the United States, but congress plays a major role in the reasons why there are so many issues pertaining to the use of executive ac tion. Another flaw is that it is not spelled out in the constitution that the president is allowed to bypass congress on any issues that are not attended to. Congress makes a huge fuss about the president executing his executive actions but congressRead MorePresident Of The United States1262 Words   |  6 PagesThe President of the United States of America is literally the most important person on this planet. Why, you may ask? Well, that’s because, he is â€Å"in charge† of the most powerful and influential country of the world. Every decision he makes, in regard to America, can and will affect every other country in some sort of way. Presidents have so much power that every decision they make becomes news. Now, the next logical question would be, where does all this power come from? Who said it was okay forRead MorePresident Of The United States1508 Words   |  7 PagesIn order to become president of the United States, one must meet several qualifications. These include being a naturally born citizen of the United States who is at least 35 years old and has resided in the U.S. for at least fourteen years. Hillary Clinton meets all of these qualifications. Clinton was born on October 26, 1947, in Chicago, Illinois. Her current age is 69. She was raised in Park Ridge, Illinois, which is a picturesque suburb located about fifteen miles from downtown Chicago (â€Å"HillaryRead MoreThe President Of The United States1611 Words   |  7 PagesIn every presidential election, political debates occur with the political party’s main candidate where they offer their views on running the country then citizens decide who should be the president of the United States. In 1984, President Ronald Reagan and Walter Mondale participated in their second debate against each other. Four panelists on the topic of defense and foreign policy issues would prompt the two candidates to certain issues of their concern. Some issues in the dispute that were disc ussedRead MoreThe President Of The United States930 Words   |  4 PagesThe President of the United States, Jackson M. Washington, was six-foot three-inch’s tall, athletic build, salt and pepper graying hair; he was fifty-three years old. He had served in the Marines after College for four years and ended up getting out as a Captain after his first hitch. From there he started his political career by volunteering for certain candidates for Congress and the Senate that had a message that resonated with him. Back then he switched party affiliations often, like changingRead MoreThe President Of The United States1245 Words   |  5 PagesThe leader of the country In the United States of America is called the President. The title President is derived from Latin, prae- before + sedere to sit. It originally designated the officer who presides over or sits before a gathering and ensures that debate is conducted according to the rules of order. The President is the brain for m illions of government workers in the Executive Branch. And as well chooses how the laws of the United States are to be enforced along with singling outRead MoreThe President Of The United States Essay1682 Words   |  7 PagesThroughout United States history, the American people voted for the President of the U.S. and for members of both chambers of Congress, and the 2016 election is not an exception. On November 9th, Donald J. Trump was declared to become the 45th President of the United States by attaining 306 electoral votes, which is clearly past the threshold of the required 270 electoral votes. However, after winning the popular vote in states Trump had won, some electors from those states have expressed their disappointmentRead MorePresident Of The United States860 Words   |  4 PagesA president of the United States must perform various roles such as, Chief Legislator, Commander in Chief, Chief Executive, Chief of State, Chief of Party, Chief Administrator, Chief Diplomat , and Chief Citizen. As the 42nd president of the United States, Bill Clinton was a great president because of his performance in presidential roles and policies put forth during his presidency. According to Compton’s Encyclopedia, Bill Clinton was born in Hope, Arkansas. He attended several universities including

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